International Program #2 (2008)
The backbone of the annual AIAF mission! Almost every one of these films is an Australian premiere. We received more than 2000 entries from every corner of the world and this collection of the best of them is your up to date snapshot of the international animation scene.
Musicotherapie Amael Isnard, Manuel Javelle, Clement Picon A happy lab where the animals feed themselves into blenders, chop bits off and generally go about their loony experiments. The only unhappy one seems to be the monkey in charge. France
Runtime: 5:31Year: 2007 |
A-Z Sally Arthur A film as densely layered and with as many twists & turns as the labyrinth streets of London. The story of the woman who first created the A-Z directory map of London. United Kingdom
Runtime: 3:23Year: 2007 |
Dog Hermann Karlsson Man's best friend deserves the right send-off when it's his time to go chase sticks in the sky. Iceland
Runtime: 1:20Year: 2006 |
John And Karen Matthew Walker An utterly charming interlude in the on-going "issues" between a gentle polar bear and his girlfriend, a penguin. United Kingdom
Runtime: 0:00Year: 2007 |
A Painful Glimpse Into My Writing Process Chel White Somebody once said that writing was easy - one simply had to sit down and open up a vein. Or drive at crazy speed toward a cliff in a last ditch attempt to force the brain to come up with a good idea. United States
Runtime: 1:44Year: 2006 |
A Vegetated Director Priit Tender A superbly nutty film for everybody who ever thought their boss was no smarter than a pot plant. This guy actually is! Estonia
Runtime: 2:34Year: 2007 |
Herr Bar Clemens Kogler A kind of digital Pythonesque landscape made up - and populated - entirely by hundreds upon hundreds of hands. Austria
Runtime: 3:07Year: 2007 |
Throwaway Sandra Ensby A couple have a rubbish argument United Kingdom
Runtime: 3:02Year: 2007 |
Bald Dad Kristian Andrews Love is blind, so the saying goes. And perhaps no love is blinder than a small boy who simply looks up to his Dad. United Kingdom
Runtime: 4:30Year: 2007 |
Demain Alenda, Christophe A fantasising executioner dreams of taking his skill with the guillotine to an adoring mainstream - and interactive - audience. France
Runtime: 3:59Year: 2007 |
Puzzled Maarten Vranken Pure fun! A glorious swirling maelstrom of puzzle pieces. Belgium
Runtime: 4:15Year: 2006 |
L'Homme a tete de poule Sylvain Jorget, Axel Morales, Mathias Rodriguez It's gotta be hard to play the sax with a chicken's head. And what will the audience make of it? France
Runtime: 4:46Year: 2007 |
Animal Tatu Pohjavirta Where to begin??? A woman doctor mixes up a small boy and a sheep during the chaos of a car accident. Clandestine midnight surgery only makes things worse (a lot worse!) Then there's the wolf blanket.... that can't be good! And how do you squeeze a lamb into a little jumper? And how do you teach a sheep to fly a kite? Maybe it's just better to stick to the surface and make everybody wear fleeces and fake body suits. Or maybe not. Finland
Runtime: 27:52Year: 2007 |