International Program #1 (2011)
The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene.
White Hair Yuka Takeda The sudden discovery of a single white hair triggers an episode of obsession and denial. United Kingdom
Runtime: 5:27Year: 2010 |
Love And Theft Andreas Hykade A beautifully crafted piece of over-caffeinated, morphing, animated madness. Germany
Runtime: 6:42Year: 2009 |
Luis Cristobal Leon, Niles Atallah, Joaquin Cocina Lucia remembers the summer in which she fell in love with Luis. Poor, sweet Lucia. Chile
Runtime: 4:00Year: 2008 |
The Origin Of Creatures Floris Kaayk In this dark parable of a post-catastrophic world, a colony of mutilated limbs emerges in an ultimately doomed attempt to create a new form of randomly co-operative beings. Netherlands
Runtime: 11:44Year: 2009 |
Accumulonimbus Andy Kennedy A meditation on motion and the life cycle of matter, animated hands-on in soft clay on a spin cycle. United States
Runtime: 4:30Year: 2010 |
Das Tub James Cunningham Lost in the murky depths of a strange ocean, a German U-boat crew find themselves on a collision course with objects stranger than they can fathom. New Zealand
Runtime: 4:04Year: 2010 |
The Briefcase man ArtFX A man, a briefcase, a horizon, a shaky pathway high above the ground. France
Runtime: 5:08Year: 2010 |
The Twin Girls Of Sunset Street Marc Riba, Anna Solanas Ointments, elixirs and poultices. Enriqueta and Ramoneta will attend your needs with discretion and reserve at Sunset St No 17A, Barcelona. Spain
Runtime: 11:50Year: 2010 |
Amar Isabel Herguera A visit to an Indian mental institution reminds Ines of the last days she spent with her friend Amar. Spain
Runtime: 8:05Year: 2010 |
The External World David O'Reilly A boy learns to play the piano - the hard way. Digital surrealism laced with abstract absurdities conjures up a universe that is difficult to explain or understand. United Kingdom
Runtime: 22:27Year: 2010 |