Aurelien Predal

AIAF Filmmaker


A wild and crazed high speed romp following a couple of bats that sustain the kind of physical damage that only animated characters can limp away from.

Runtime: 7:21
Year: 2013

Featured in AIAF2015 > 3 Days in Paris (2015)

A wild and crazed high speed romp following a couple of bats that sustain the kind of physical damage that only animated characters can limp away from.

Runtime: 7:21
Year: 2013

Featured in AIAF2014 > International Program #3 (2014)
Burning Safari

HEY LOOK - MONKEYS! And they're not real happy bout the weird little aliens with the power zappers. Chaos.

Runtime: 8:13
Year: 2005

Featured in AIAF2007 > High School / Teen Program (2007)
Burning Safari

HEY LOOK - MONKEYS! And they're not real happy bout the weird little aliens with the power zappers. Chaos.

Runtime: 8:13
Year: 2005

Featured in AIAF2007 > International Program #1 (2007)