Sawako Kabuki

AIAF Filmmaker

Summer's Puke Is Winter's Delight

Sex, second thoughts and puking. Gotta love summer.

Runtime: 3:05
Year: 2016

Featured in AIAF2017 > Late Night Bizarre (2017)
Don't Tell Mom

There's probably a few things most of us shouldn't tell Mum but this is ridiculous.

Runtime: 3:16
Year: 2015

Featured in AIAF2016 > Late Night Bizarre (2016)
Master Blaster

Everything you always wanted to know about psychedelic sex but couldn't imagine for yourself.

Runtime: 3:49
Year: 2015

Featured in AIAF2016 > Late Night Bizarre (2016)
Ketsujiru Juke

An in depth look at... no wait, we can't say that. A large pile of......., ah, crap, we can't say that either. LNB aficionados will be out of their seats though.

Runtime: 3:10
Year: 2013

Featured in AIAF2014 > Late Night Bizarre (2014)