Andrew Hagan
AIAF Presenter
Animation 101: Getting into 3D Animation (2006) CSU Animation and Visual Effects lecturer Andrew Hagan will be conducting a free seminar for anyone interested in the exciting field of 3D animation. He'll be taking you on the journey from concept to screen and offer tips, tricks and secrets of the trade. Aside from exploring the fundamentals, popularity, artistry, and opportunities in this emerging field, Andrew will also offer candid advice on education, careers and industry trends. The one-hour seminar will conclude with a Q&A session with the opportunity to meet fellow animators. Featured in AIAF2006 Seminar | Mature (M) |
Animation 103: Advertising In Animation (2007) Andrew Hagan is the Course Co-ordinator of Animation and Visual Effects at Charles Sturt University and has over 15 years' experience in 3D, animation, multimedia and other exciting ways to crash computers. Andrew will demonstrate how advertisers and audiences alike expect more animation than just crawling text and pixie dust trails and can now enjoy high-end production values that were once the exclusive domain of major studios. The session will visually demonstrate the artistic / technical processes that go into creating 3D animation by examining Andrew's latest work and offer insights into the dramas, goofs and lessons learnt in independent production. See the dramatic transformations that occur when a simple pitch is taken into the digital realm and discover how racing cars and swarms of flies become a reality. Essential advice for animators and clients alike, the talk will also reveal tricks, tips, future trends, and how to spot a dodgy animation. You can also take home a free cheat sheet to get you started. Featured in AIAF2007 Seminar | Mature (M) |
Animation 102: The State Of Australian In Australia & Australian Panorama Intro (2008) "The State of Animation in Australia & An Intro to The Australian Panorama" presented by Andrew Hagan & Malcolm Turner (AIAF Co-Directors) with visiting Australian Filmmakers. Featured in AIAF2008 Seminar | Mature (M) |
Animation 103: AIAF11 - The Ones That Got Away (2012) Sometimes too much just ain't enough. There were a LOT of sensational films that didn't make it into AIAF last year and so AIAF's intrepid Co-Directors took some time out at the Melbourne festival to put together this sample of those "missed catches". Together, they will introduce their selections and talk about why some films get selected for screenings and some don't. Featured in AIAF2012 Seminar | Mature (M) |
Animation 104: Arguing The Australian Animation Perspective (2016) A chance to take the pulse of the Australian animation ecosystem. Films, funding, schools and the challenges involved in carving out a career in animation in Australia will be but a few of the topics tackled by a panel of visiting filmmakers and related industry professionals. AIAF's "Australian Showcase" is the first major screening of Australian animation each year and this collection will help inform and propel what promises to be a lively and diverse discussion. Featured in AIAF2016 Seminar | Mature (M) |