Stephanie Brotchie
AIAF Filmmaker
A series of fraught tales - large, small, embarrassing and occassionally pornagraphic. Australia
Runtime: 8:00Year: 2006 Featured in AIAF2007 > Australian Panorama (2007) |
A series of fraught tales - large, small, embarrassing and occassionally pornagraphic. Australia
Runtime: 8:00Year: 2006 Featured in AIAF2007 > International Program #2 (2007) |
AIAF Presenter
Animation 104: DIY - Starting Out (2007) Chris Pahlow and Steph Brotchie are members of 'D.I.Y. ART' who demonstrate the self-taught, self-driven process by which they have developed their skills and films within limited means. Featured in AIAF2007 Seminar | Mature (M) |
Animation 104: D.I.Y. Art + D.I.Y. Funding 2.0 (2008) Presented by Stephanie Brotchie & Chris Pahlow of D.I.Y. Art Featured in AIAF2008 Seminar | Mature (M) |