Kids Program (2007)
The Night Watchman Clement Ceard Absolutely whimsical. A small boy gets his turn to ride the giant unicyle that's tall enough to reach the moon and the sun. France
Runtime: 0:00Year: 2006 |
A Mouses's Tale Sam Armitage Like magic, a beautiful fold out picture book spings to life with a different story springing from each page. United Kingdom
Runtime: 3:03Year: 2006 |
Chaffinches And Others Anatoliy Lavrenishin A happy, silly chorus of birds on a branch all practising their singing. But some are a lot better than others. Ukraine
Runtime: 4:43Year: 2001 |
Stilt Walkers Alexis van der Haeghe The wonerful adventures of a boy who pilots his strange little airship into a land of giant stilt creatures. Belgium
Runtime: 4:12Year: 2006 |
Peo Gallery - Mark Rothko Fusako Yusaka Kind of an artclass - but mostly just a bunch of really amazing animated plastercine worlds melting & blending into each other. Switzerland
Runtime: 3:08Year: 2005 |
Toy Artist: Papa And Baby Chang Wook-sang, Kim Hye-jin, Lee Jae-min, Choi Young-hee, Choi Dong-hyuk, Park Chi-gon There's some mystery and surprises inside every toy and these ones have LOTS! South Korea
Runtime: 7:44Year: 2006 |
Moutons Simon Blanc, Vivien Cabrol, Arnaud Valette Funny sheep that can swim and dive underwater just like dolphins and seals - who ever heard of such a thing? France
Runtime: 5:40Year: 2006 |
Give Me A Hand Katerina Kacerovska Everybody could use a little help now and then. Czechia
Runtime: 2:36Year: 2006 |
The Little Short-Sighted Snake Meelis Arulepp, Aina Jarvine Don't worry, he's really friendly - won't bite. He's just can't quite see everything he needs to be able to see. Estonia
Runtime: 11:22Year: 2006 |
Montrose Avenue Marek Colek, Pat Shewchuk A little girl gives us a really special tour of her street. Canada
Runtime: 5:29Year: 2006 |