AIAF Full Program
- High School / Teen Program (2008) These ain't kids films - it's a collection of the best films taken right out of the main international programs of the festival. This exclusive program has been put together for the benefit of High School students who would otherwise be unable to attend the full festival. Students will get to see a compilation of some of the best animations for just $5. This exclusive program has been put together for the benefit of High School students who would otherwise be unable to attend the full festival. Students will get to see a compilation of some of the best animations for just $5. Films | General (G) |
- International Program #1 (2008) The backbone of the annual AIAF mission! Almost every one of these films is an Australian premiere. We received more than 2000 entries from every corner of the world and this collection of the best of them is your up to date snapshot of the international animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- International Puppet Animation Panorama (2008) It takes skill and a very specific 'determination to animate' to even begin making a puppet film. The first signs of a re-emergence of classic style Russian puppet animation, the staging of a wildly successful international puppet animation conference in Estonia and the release of record numbers of wonderful indie puppet films inspired us to focus on this most hands-on of techniques. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Kids Program (2008) Specifically programmed towards 4-10-year old's whilst still entertaining more mature patrons, this screening gives children the world's best animation for a just $5! Pricing includes adults. Films | General (G) |
- Animation 101: Animation Now! International Animation Overview (2008) "Animation Now! - An Annual Overview of The International Animation Scene" presented by Malcolm Turner |
- Animation 102: The State Of Australian In Australia & Australian Panorama Intro (2008) "The State of Animation in Australia & An Intro to The Australian Panorama" presented by Andrew Hagan & Malcolm Turner (AIAF Co-Directors) with visiting Australian Filmmakers. |
- Australian Panorama (2008) Australian animation turns up in festivals all over the world and is recognised for its diversity and inventiveness. This program showcases that diversity - every technique, genre and style imaginable; classic tales, documentaries, abstract and comedies. It's all here in this collection that will premiere here in Wagga Wagga before heading off for screenings around Australia and the world. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- International Program #2 (2008) The backbone of the annual AIAF mission! Almost every one of these films is an Australian premiere. We received more than 2000 entries from every corner of the world and this collection of the best of them is your up to date snapshot of the international animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Late Night Bizarre (2008) Crazed, weird, extreme or just impossible to explain plots - a boggling compendium of the wildest animated ideas horse whipped up to warp speed and transponded back from parallel universes. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Animation 103: Voice Wrangling (2008) Creator of "Dr Pebbles" (in the Australian Panorama) & currently working on Adam Elliot's feature film, Pierce Davison has been making animation since he was a teenager. His indie films have screened all over the world. Just one striking feature of "Dr Pebbles" is the menagerie of voice talent including such celebrity 'appearances' as Shaun Micallef and John Safran. Wrangling, directing and capturing just the right voices in just the right ways can be a make or break for the final result and Pierce will share his experiences bringing this aspect of directing an animated film together. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Animation 104: D.I.Y. Art + D.I.Y. Funding 2.0 (2008) Presented by Stephanie Brotchie & Chris Pahlow of D.I.Y. Art |
- International Program #3 (2008) The backbone of the annual AIAF mission! Almost every one of these films is an Australian premiere. We received more than 2000 entries from every corner of the world and this collection of the best of them is your up to date snapshot of the international animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Digital Panorama (2008) This program brings together the best recently released films that lean heavily on a digital aesthetic for their inspiration and impact. These films can be fully narrative, abstract or drawn from the culture of the gaming community. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |