SIGGRAPH Highlights (2010)
SIGGRAPH is without doubt one of the most important gathering points for the international digerati. Whether it is short films, ads, software demo reels, trailers or music videos, SIGGRAPH exists to bring the finest digital animators and their work together. This year, we bring the very best works from SIGGRAPH Asia and the 'mainland' USA SIGGRAPH (held in New Orleans) to the big screen.
Vestige Florian Witzel SIGGRAPH Trailer United States
Runtime: 1:08Year: 2009 |
La Main des Maitres Clement Delatre, Adrien Toupet, Looky Channelling Steampunk, this film captures the glorious chaos of an urban battlefield. France
Runtime: 4:04Year: 2009 |
Daydreamer Roland Womack Just about every boy has had to contend with a scary monster at some stage - but this takes it to a whole new level. United States
Runtime: 1:58Year: 2009 |
Taming The Cat Jeonghee Kim Mega, hi-tech, fighting transformer joins forces with squishy toy mouse on a string to take the battle to the cat. South Korea
Runtime: 1:29Year: 2009 |
Roll'n Rock Nico Cassavecchia 101 different ways to take a serious bruising on the way to a gig. Spain
Runtime: 1:39Year: 2009 |
As One Makoto Yabuki An ambient collection of connections; an elaborate dance of the lines that link everything to everything else. Japan
Runtime: 2:43Year: 2009 |
LRO Scouts For Safe Landing Sites Helen-Nicole Kostis A digital creation of the work done by NASA's "Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter" as it searches the surface of the moon looking for safe landing sites for the next manned mission. United States
Runtime: 2:50Year: 2009 |
Lilium Urbanus Anca Risca, Jogi Tsuruga A startling digital visualisation of a giant urban space emerging from the ground as a giant lily. United States
Runtime: 1:37Year: 2009 |
Tezcatlipoca Robin George Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake' provides the inspiration for recreating the journey of a mythical Aztec god which arrives on an ancient sun-drenched, molten earth in the form of a graceful jaguar. United States
Runtime: 3:14Year: 2009 |
Alma Rodrigo Blaas Things are a VERY long way from OK in this doll shop, which has a way of absorbing little girls that linger too long at the window. United States
Runtime: 5:19Year: 2009 |
Friends? Sveinbjorn Tryggvason Don't make the legless, red box angry - he might be looking for a friend but he eats cities! Iceland
Runtime: 1:46Year: 2009 |
Cherries Cisma A million and one cherries all working in perfect harmony. Spain
Runtime: 0:30Year: 2009 |
Unplan The Moment Toni Costa, Kal Karman An uber-elegant, fluid dance par excellence! Freixenet anyone? Spain
Runtime: 0:41Year: 2009 |
Gorilla Lucas Elliot A colony of flying cursors create a 600lb gorilla to drive home the message about pandas. Spain
Runtime: 0:41Year: 2009 |
Noble Centre Deng Bohong Going where only digital animation can go - the beyond-intricate DNA of a vast new building appears, grows and builds itself ever skyward before our very eyes. China
Runtime: 5:10Year: 2009 |
Second Souffle Maxime Causeret A thought-provoking pastiche of visual ideas of what might become of us when our time here has ebbed and then ended for all time. France
Runtime: 1:50Year: 2009 |
Cinetique Maxime Causeret A lavish, visual dissertation exploring the infinite complexities of simple movement through multiple planes of space and imagination. France
Runtime: 2:05Year: 2009 |
Silhouettes Of Jazz Martin-Sebastien Senn A jazz-history lesson using a plethora of inanimate digital sculptures. Switzerland
Runtime: 3:41Year: 2009 |
Pigeon: Impossible Lucas Martell No pigeon should be given this kind of firepower. Only a half-eaten bagel can save the world now. United States
Runtime: 6:11Year: 2009 |
Steel Life Mathieu Gerard Meta-digitale. A supremely graceful ballet using the visual language of special effects as its theme. France
Runtime: 5:44Year: 2009 |
Barclaycard "Waterslide" Peter Thwaites Believe it! Glide home - the ultimate commute. United Kingdom
Runtime: 1:30Year: 2009 |
Future Psychoanalysis Maribel Martinez Galindo Transmitting images mind to mind. The ultimate mind meld? A future cure for blindness? Mexico
Runtime: 1:30Year: 2009 |
House Of Numbers: Anatomy Of An Epidemic - HIV Replication Sequences Brent Leung Scientific medical documentary footage depicting cell replication of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). United States
Runtime: 1:33Year: 2009 |
Hydrodynamic Butterflies Yoichiro Kawaguchi A million million crystals swarm together to form butterfly robots, which will be sent out to explore the farthest reaches of Mars. Japan
Runtime: 1:41Year: 2009 |
Project: Alpha Salavdor Simo Busom Even space monkeys can only withstand so much temptation. One monkey's story of reaching for the stars and crashing to earth. Denmark
Runtime: 6:37Year: 2009 |