AIAF Full Program
- International Program #1 (2011) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- SIGGRAPH Wrap Up (2011) SIGGRAPH needs no introduction to the AIAF audience. Each August it becomes the very centre of the universe for those interested in all forms of digital art and the technologies behind the creative digital culture we are immersed in. And here is our annual survey of the best films that came out of SIGGRAPH 2010. Films | Mature (M) |
- Kids Program (2011) A very special program of films selected to spark the imaginations of our littlest, most special audience. Heaps better than Saturday morning TV and not a toy ad in sight. There's a couple of wonderful new films from Disney and the wondrous, Oscar-nominated adaptation of The Gruffalo. Pure magic! Films | General (G) |
- Animation 101: Meet the Australian Filmmakers (2011) Australia punches way above its weight on the international indie animation scene. We have some pretty good schools, we have some pretty inventive and imaginative animators and we do really well on the international stage when it comes to awards and festival invitations. Creating animation in Australia isn't without its challenges though and every film in this year's Australian Showcase program has a very different story behind its production. We've enticed as many of the filmmakers with a film in the Showcase as we could to visit AIAF and they will take the stage after the screening to talk about their films, animating in Australia and to answer your questions. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Australian Showcase (2011) One of our most important and popular programs. There aren't many opportunities to see Australian animation on the big screen and each year AIAF probably shows more than any other event in the world. This is an opportunity to see what Australian animators are doing, how they're doing it and how the artform is travelling. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- International Program #2 (2011) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Late Night Bizarre (2011) Weird insect sex, a sordid experiment involving a spike and the tender nether-regions of a 'volunteer', whale induced insanity, poor hygiene, nuns gone bad, and a car that looks a bit like a ... well, you'll get the picture. AIAF's annual late night bizarre is back and as crazy as ever. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Kids Program (2011) A very special program of films selected to spark the imaginations of our littlest, most special audience. Heaps better than Saturday morning TV and not a toy ad in sight. There's a couple of wonderful new films from Disney and the wondrous, Oscar-nominated adaptation of The Gruffalo. Pure magic! Films | General (G) |
- Animation 102: Adventures In Animation: The Director's Secret Stash (2011) Every year AIAF Co-Director Malcolm Turner packs a cut lunch, puts on sensible shoes and heads out into the big wide world to see what animation he can. He loves doing it and, frankly, it's nice to have him out of the office for a while. This year his obsessions turned to Polish animation, the New York indie scene, the UPA Studio (who gave us classics like Mr Magoo) and the RCA in London, so expect a look into those aspects of the artform. But there's always the totally random stuff that gets filed under 'can't figure out where else to show this' and that's when his annual AIAF presentation can get really interesting. One year, the audience loved it so much they gave him a special hat - and where better to wear it than here? Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Animation 103: Special Guest Presentation: Laurent Monneron, Supinfocom Director (2011) With AIAF's focus on Supinfocom this year, the timing couldn't be better to have a Supinfocom director present as our special international guest. Laurent Monneron was one of the directors of Meet Buck and he will give a special presentation on Supinfocom, some insights into some of the films in our Supinfocom program and a more detailed behind-the-scenes look at the making of Meet Buck. Supinfocom is one of the finest animation schools in the world and their five-year course, which demands commitment, produces animators of stunning technical and creative ability. This presentation will be a chance to learn more about the magic. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- International Program #3 - Supinfocom is Back (2011) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene - including a program focusing entirely on Supinfocom. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- 10 Years of Bizarre (2011) We've been doing this for a while now and we've had some pretty weird and wild stuff come through the mailbox. And here's a dirty fistful of our favourites! Long-time aficionados of our Late Night Bizarre screenings will relish (yes - relish) the opportunity to relive this collection of out of control classics. More recent initiates to the genre will have a chance to catch up and roll around in this swirling, murky pool of true cult cinema. Sunglasses optional, fancy dress encouraged, funny hats applauded. No puritans admitted. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |