Meghana Bisineer

AIAF Filmmaker

Light Water Glass

In this, animation is the gracefully evolving veil through which a simple, unchanging reality is viewed or masked depending on your perspective.

United Kingdom
Runtime: 4:12
Year: 2011

Featured in AIAF2013 > International Program #2 (2013)
A Journey Across Grandmother

Goregeously drawn film gracefully tracing the various threads of a relationship between grandmother and granddaughter.

United Kingdom
Runtime: 5:16
Year: 2005

Featured in AIAF2007 > International Program #1 (2007)
Moments Of I Don't Know

Deceptively simple, elegant hand drawn animation following the ebbs and flows of a everyday conversation.

United Kingdom
Runtime: 5:13
Year: 2006

Featured in AIAF2007 > International Program #3 (2007)