Late Night Bizarre (2012)
AIAF's annual, ever popular, irresistible, train-wreck of a program - you wanta turn away but you can't. Bad-ass bears, dudes with a variety of willy problems, meat in all the wrong places, drunk puppets, slimy politicians and a what's what or weird sex - it's all here kiddies!! Come 'n' get it.
Squash And Stretch Frank Armiento There ain't a guy in the room who hasn't had this moment at some point in his life. Australia
Runtime: 1:02Year: 2011 |
Bear-Horse Steve Stark Bear-Horse is bad-ass. He solves problems his way. He's Bear-Horse. That's right! United States
Runtime: 3:45Year: 2010 |
Twins Peter Budinsky Siamese twins fight it out in the boxing ring but the competition really heats up when it's time for bed. Slovakia
Runtime: 5:22Year: 2011 |
Vacuum Attraction Morgan Miller Home alone, kickin' back in his underwear in front of bad TV the vaccum cleaner probably looked like a good idea. United States
Runtime: 4:00Year: 2010 |
Goat Away Steve Stark Problems with goats? You need...... United States
Runtime: 1:12Year: 2010 |
There's a Dead Crow Outside Morgan Miller Sometimes the film title is all you really need - especially if you're a raccoon. United States
Runtime: 0:59Year: 2011 |
SPONCHOI Pispochoi Ikne Sugidono, Miyako Mishio Warts! Moles. Oh - let's start exchanging. Japan
Runtime: 6:06Year: 2010 |
The Confession Of Father John Thomas Elka Kerkhofs A father with a load on his mind. Australia
Runtime: 4:57Year: 2011 |
Frosted Chocolate Cake Donato Sansone Co-joined twins, a flock of birds, a flotilla of fish and a spooky rabbit. Italy
Runtime: 2:33Year: 2011 |
Mulvar Is Correct Candidate Patrick Desilets Mulvar make precious fuel come from eyes! Canada
Runtime: 1:01Year: 2011 |
Dukes Of Broxstonia - Planet Of Babies Suren Perera Yep - the Dukes is back. And they're on the wrong planet. Australia
Runtime: 2:59Year: 2011 |
Dr Breakfast Stephen Neary An eye-popping, pseudo "Weekend At Bernies"-style romp featuring a couple of wise deer, a special doctor and a dude that needs a lotta help. United States
Runtime: 7:05Year: 2011 |
Compartments Or "I Am Not A Monster" Hannah Letaif Every apartment block has lots of rooms. And every room has a person or two. And every person has a lot of orifices and appendages. Belgium
Runtime: 3:40Year: 2011 |
Phobias Of Guard Rail Marco Capellacci Taking tie sucking and Mini-Me eye pouring to a strange new level. Italy
Runtime: 5:08Year: 2012 |
Septimana Sylvain Cappelletto WARNING: GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT MAY OFFEND. A scabrously encylopedic collection of bizarre, confounding sexual practices. France
Runtime: 4:10Year: 2010 |
Bobby Yeah Robert Morgan One day Bobby Yeah steals the favourite pet of some very dangerous individuals, and finds himself in deep trouble. A fiesta of orifice excesses and parasitic crawlies. United Kingdom
Runtime: 22:55Year: 2011 |