AIAF Full Program
- International Program #1 (2010) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- SIGGRAPH Highlights (2010) SIGGRAPH is without doubt one of the most important gathering points for the international digerati. Whether it is short films, ads, software demo reels, trailers or music videos, SIGGRAPH exists to bring the finest digital animators and their work together. This year, we bring the very best works from SIGGRAPH Asia and the 'mainland' USA SIGGRAPH (held in New Orleans) to the big screen. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Kids Program (2010) A very special program of films selected to spark the imaginations of our littlest, most special audience. Heaps better than Saturday morning TV and not a toy ad in sight! Films | General (G) |
- Animation 101: Malcolm Turner - Adventures in Ancient Animation (2010) AIAF Co-Director, Malcolm Turner travels extensively in the course of pulling together this festival. This year his adventures included a spending a truly inspiring weekend in deepest Somerset trawling through an awesome archive of old "Felix The Cat" episodes, hanging out with Autour de Minuit who are one of Europe's most impressive producers & distributors of digital animation, sorting out tour details with Edouard Salier who produces very 'big-concept' films, learning a lot more about the guy who animated Donald Duck, learning heaps about historical Australian animation, finally got round to sorting out a Slinky Pics Tribute program and dropped in on a dozen or so festivals. From this unique perspective, Turner will discuss these adventures in colourful detail as well as present an up to date snapshot of the contemporary indie international animation scene - complete with a special selection of the old and new films that excited him most. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Animation 102: Chris Pahlow - Making A Music Video - A Work in Progress (2010) Chris Pahlow is no stranger to AIAF. As a member of the young, award winning D.I.Y. trio he presented a selection of their films here in Wagga Wagga several years ago. He returns this year to take us through the nitty gritty of his latest animation project - a hybrid animation/live action music video. Chris has decided to channel some of animation's earliest masters in an attempt to create what amounts to a kind of digital scratch film - think Len Lye with a computer! Blend this with more contemporary effects and live action silhouette work and a clearer picture of the complexity of this production begins to emerge. But this is very much a work in progress and with much of the film's skeleton still visible this presentation promises to be a fascinating insight into the process of creating a multimedia music video - with maybe a chance to influence the final outcome. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Australian Panorama (2010) One of our most popular and important programs. Showcasing Australian animation is what AIAF loves to do best and, as a result, it's this program that we tour nationally and internationally. The program will feature a collection of the best, recently released Australian animated shorts and will present local work in all of its diverse glory. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- International Program #2 (2010) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Late Night Bizarre (2010) When your mailbag fills with more than 2000 short animated films, as ours does each year, there's going to be some pretty 'wrong' moments. This AIAF favourite brings together a collection of the strangest, most mind-expanding indescribable from that mailbag and puts them up on the big screen where we can all have a good look at them. Some are fall-over funny, some are outlandishly odd, some are just impenetrably imponderable. Together, they are Late Night Bizarre. Buckle up Spanky! Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Animation 103: Lucy Izzard - International Guest (UK): A Special Presentation + Q&A (2010) Lucy studied animation at the Kingston-Upon-Thames University in the UK. Her graduation film "Tea Total" won the BBC Three New Animator Award in 2005. On the strength of this, Lucy was commissioned by BBC Three to write and direct two short films - "One of The Family" and "Come Rain or Shine". These films screened all over the world and cemented her position in the British animation scene and lead to her being invited to join Slinky Pics, one of London's most innovative indie animation studios. Lucy will screen some of her own films, a selection of her favourites from the Slinky Pics archive and will wrap up the presentation with the WORLD PREMIERE of her latest film "Lucky". Seminar | Mature (M) |
- International Program #3 (2010) The engine room; the whole kit-and-caboodle! Three programs featuring the very best and the very latest short, animated films from all around the world. Every style, every genre, every technique. Your comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the international indie animation scene. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Digital Panorama (2010) AIAF's annual update on the digital domain within the animating community. A collection of films reflecting the outstanding results creative animators are extracting from the tools of their trade. Films | Restricted (R 18+) |