AIAF Full Program
- International Program #1 (2017) The International Programs are the backbone of the whole AIAF mission. Your up-to-date snapshot of the world's independent animation scene. The freshest new shorts taken from the 4,000+ films competing for your love. There's every style, every technique, every genre. Drawn from a global call for entries, they are a set of headlights illuminating the current state of the international indie and auteur animation scene worldwide. Be the first to experience these beautiful films on the big screen! Films | Mature (M) |
- Best of International Student Animation (2017) A collection of the best new student animation from some of the best schools in the world. These films defy any notion of amateur status and showcase amazing competitive talent that demands attention and makes waves. And YOU get to vote for the Best of the Best. Your votes will choose the film named "Best Student Film" at MIAF in JUNE and everybody who completes a voting form goes in the draw to win a Full MIAF 17 Pass with the lucky winner announced on Sunday night. Films | Mature (M) |
- Kids Program (2017) Definitely one of the must-see events of AIAF every year, an incredible program of films specially selected to spark the imaginations of our most special audience. Animation, like childhood, can be just full of wonder with the biggest pleasures being the simplest ones. This program carefully chosen for our youngest viewers strips away all the soft-sell toy ads and the over-the-top blockbuster-style special effects and just delivers up a program of wonderful films full of simple joys. Loved by adults as well, this program is truly exceptional. Films | General (G) |
- Animation 101: Turner comes in from the cold (2017) AIAF Co-Director Malcolm Turner pulls down some top-shelf animated favourites for his annual animation garage sale. Reflecting on a year of travels and discoveries, expect some insights into the often-bizarre world of new indie Chinese animation, some highlights from an especially good trip to Ireland (as far as he can recall) and the painless extraction of gems from his personal archive which currently sits at 20,000 titles. This is animation-land's ultimate Show Bag - BYO lollies. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Animation 102: 10-years of CSU Animation & Visual Effects (2017) AIAF Co-Director and CSU lecturer Andrew Hagan will reveal the untold story behind the stories. Revelations, unbelievable but true stories, exclusive photos & video from the past, and a few special guests will mark this historic occasion. Join us as we celebrate a decade since Charles Sturt University launched Australia's first undergraduate degree dedicated to the art and science of Animation & Visual Effects and also praise the Multimedia alumni that helped pave the way. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- International Program #2 (2017) The International Programs are the backbone of the whole AIAF mission. Your up-to-date snapshot of the world's independent animation scene. The freshest new shorts taken from the 4,000+ films competing for your love. There's every style, every technique, every genre. Drawn from a global call for entries, they are a set of headlights illuminating the current state of the international indie and auteur animation scene worldwide. Be the first to experience these beautiful films on the big screen! Films | Mature (M) |
- Australian Showcase (2017) Our most important program. AIAF Wagga Wagga hosts a collection of the best new Australian animation. This is the first opportunity each year to see a comprehensive collection of new Australian films, many of them introduced by the filmmakers in attendance. A vital and popular program, there aren't many opportunities to see Australian animation on the big screen and each year AIAF probably shows more than any other event in the world. This is an opportunity to see what Australian animators are doing, how they're doing it and how the art form is traveling. After the screening, there is a chance to meet many of the animators, hear them talk about their films and ask them questions about their work. Films | Mature (M) |
- Late Night Bizarre (2017) Are you ready for the unforgettable thrills of our most daring program? The ultimate experience in pushing the wildest boundaries of contemporary animation returns for our adventurous audience's viewing pleasure. Prepare the Alphabetti-Spaghetti for anyone who told you animation is just cartoons for kids. You know you want it! We know you want it! Here it is! Films | Restricted (R 18+) |
- Kids Program (2017) Definitely one of the must-see events of AIAF every year, an incredible program of films specially selected to spark the imaginations of our most special audience. Animation, like childhood, can be just full of wonder with the biggest pleasures being the simplest ones. This program carefully chosen for our youngest viewers strips away all the soft-sell toy ads and the over-the-top blockbuster-style special effects and just delivers up a program of wonderful films full of simple joys. Loved by adults as well, this program is truly exceptional. Films | General (G) |
- Animation 103: Stop-Mo & CG: Different Techniques, Same Goals (2017) Alice Markham, director of the stop-motion story "LOSS", and Matt Barron, director of 3D film "The Cloud Factory", share valuable insights into making heartfelt character-driven animations through very diverse mediums. Discussing the similarities and differences in their filmmaking processes, they share universal truths that applied to their independent productions and offer expert tips for other filmmakers using highly-specialised techniques. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- Animation 104: 2016 - Year of the Animated Masters (2017) It turns out that 2016 was the year that many of the true living masters of animation all released new films. Nobody saw this coming - and nobody's put it all together until NOW!!! Think Priit Parn, Phil Mulloy, Koji Yamamura, Marv Newland, Raoul Servais, Joan Gratz and others. This very special presentation will introduce you, in turn, to each of these extremely important animators and then screen their very latest work. Seminar | Mature (M) |
- International Program #3 (2017) The International Programs are the backbone of the whole AIAF mission. Your up-to-date snapshot of the world's independent animation scene. The freshest new shorts taken from the 4,000+ films competing for your love. There's every style, every technique, every genre. Drawn from a global call for entries, they are a set of headlights illuminating the current state of the international indie and auteur animation scene worldwide. Be the first to experience these beautiful films on the big screen! Films | Mature (M) |
- SIGGRAPH Showcase (2017) It's time to touch base with that massive global 'hitching post' of the digerati.... SIGGRAPH. For over 40 years, this event has been shining the brightest light down the digital animating path, encouraging devotees of the form to constantly push boundaries and experiment with new tools, toys and ideas. Films | Mature (M) |